Pucón Learning and AI Summit


Chile, April 8 -12, 2024

Where neuroscience meets AI

The Summit will aim to explore the intersection of neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence (AI), with a particular focus on mechanisms of learning. This event will provide a platform for AI and experimental neuroscience researchers to delve into the mechanisms of learning at the cellular, systems, and behavioral levels.

Contact us at plena@cenia.cl

The meeting aims to address three fundamental questions that have been the subject of intense
research and theoretical debate:

What cellular mechanisms
enable learning on different

How do brain networks
modify their connectivity to
support adaptive behaviors?

How do popular AI learning
algorithms relate to
biological mechanisms of
learning at the cellular and
systems levels?

The emphasis will be on exchanging information between theoretical and experimental scientists.
How can AI generate testable predictions for neuroscientists?
How can neuroscientific discoveries inform the next generation of AI models?

Welcome from the organizing committee

Chris Pack

Scientific Program Chair

Professor, Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital McGill University, Canada.

Roberto Araya

Scientific Program Chair

Professor of Neuroscience. The CHU Ste-Justine Azrieli Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal, Canada.

Pedro Maldonado

Local Scientific Program Chair

BNI, CENIA and Professor, Department of Neuroscience. Faculty of Medicine. Universidad de Chile, Chile.

Markus Diesmann

Scientific Program Chair

Director; Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine. Professor in Computational and Systems Neuroscience & Institute for Advanced Simulation – Theoretical Neuroscience; Research Center Juelich, Germany.

Soledad Miranda-Rottmann

Administrative Coordinator

The CHU Ste-Justine Azrieli Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal, Canada.

Rodrigo Duran

Sponsorships and Logistics

CEO of the National Center for Artificial Intelligence – Cenia, Chile



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